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HAUT ℅ Sort/Hvid
Staldgade 38
1699 København V
Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst
Otto Busses Vej 5, Bygning O48
2450 København SV
Udfyld denne tilmeldingsformular for at sikre dig en plads – først til mølle (max 60 pladser).
Lørdag d. 5. maj 2018
Sted: HAUT
09.30-10.00 Ankomst
10.00-10.30 Morgensamling og velkomst
10.30-12.00 Oplæg ved Karen Vedel – "Dansehistoriernes Sorte Boks"
12.00-13.00 Frokost
13.00-15.00 Workshop ved Samlingen – "Hersay and hearsay of Danish dance"
NB! Skifte lokation til Udviklingsplatformen
18.00-21.00 Aftenarrangement med tapas, drinks og filmvisninger
Søndag d. 6. maj 2018
Sted: HAUT
09.30-10.00 Ankomst
10.00-10.30 Morgensamling
10.30-12.00 Workshop ved Samlingen – "Hersay and hearsay of Danish dance"
12.00-13.00 Frokost
13.00-14.30 Oplæg ved Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt – "Our Body Moves Beyond Borders
– or on How Danish Dance Herstories are International and in Concert"
14.30-14.45 Kaffe & te
14.45-16.00 Oplæg og afrunding
Karen Vedel. Lektor, Teater- og performancestudier, Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. Tidligere praksis som danser og koreograf med studier i historie og teori. Nu praksis som akademiker i teater- og performancestudier med interesse for (ikke mindst) dansens historie, kroppen som arkiv og stedsspecifik performance. Har skrevet bøger og artikler om bl.a. scenedansen i Danmark og over årene bedrevet aktivisme i det kulturpolitiske felt, bl.a. som formand for Kunstfondens Legatudvalg for Film og Scenekunst. I min sjæl er jeg stadig freelance...
Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt is a PhD fellow at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen. In her PhD, she examines practices of work and formation of time within artistic education and ways in which alumnae organize collectively in order to subvert neoliberal demands. From 2011 to 2015 she was artistic research associate at the BA “Dance, Context, Choreography” at HZT/University of the Arts in Berlin. Besides, she is working and internationally touring as performance artist and curated the festival WORKS AT WORK in Dansehallerne.
Samlingen – We, Amanda Apetrea, Nadja Hjorton, Halla Ólafsdóttir, Stina Nyberg and Zoë Poluch initiated Samlingen as a choreographic project to facilitate our common interest in choreography and feminism as it is intertwined with dance history. Over the past 5 years we have organized a series of events, made specifically for the time and situation in which they are performed, but always dealing with the history and herstory of dance. Now Samlingen is gathered in the context of Danske Dansehistorier where we want to write The Danish Dance herstory -in respect of the official and the unofficial, the told and untold, the celebrated and the ignored – based on memories, anecdotes and historical facts. We invite you to join us and map how we dance together, past present and future: methods, projected outcomes and lived outcomes.
Begge dage vil det være muligt at købe billig (vegansk) frokost. Lørdag aften byder vi på tapas og drinks.
Hvis du rejser langt kan du søge om rejsetilskud når du tilmelder dig. Afhængigt af hvor mange som søger, vil en del af din rejse blive dækket.