Alt materiale på denne hjemmeside er baseret på aktiviteter fra Danske Dansehistorier i 2018, Stories yet to be told i 2021 og Monumental Movement i 2023 – en række arrangementer med dansere, koreografer og andre med relation til dans og koreografi som kunstform. Gennem billeder, titler og tags er du inviteret til at navigere og finde vej gennem (hi)storierne. All material found on this webpage is based on the activities of Danish Dance Stories in 2018, Stories yet to be told in 2021 and Monumental Movement in 2023 – a series of events with dancers, choreographers and others related to dance and choreography as an art form. With the use of images, titles and tags you are invited to navigate and find your way(s) through the stories.
Foreningen Danske Dansehistorier er initieret af Stine Frandsen, Nanna Stigsdatter, Andrea Deres og Carolina Bäckman, fire freelance baserede dansere og koreografer med et fælles ønske om at engagere og støtte feltet for dans og koreografi. Initieret primært som et kollegialt møde, er omdrejningspunktet de personlige og subjektive (hi)storier. Herigennem faciliteres rum for kunstnerisk udveksling og kollektive undersøgelser på kunstnernes egne præmisser – på kryds af generationer, geografiske tilhørsforhold og kunstneriske ståsteder. Danish Dance Stories is initiated by Stine Frandsen, Nanna Stigsdatter, Andrea Deres and Carolina Bäckman, four freelance dancers and choreographers with a common wish to engage and support the field of dance and choreography within a Danish context. Being primarily a collegial encounter, the focal point is the personal and subjective (hi)stories. Hereby, spaces for artistic sharing and collective research on the premises of the artist – across generations, geographical affiliations and artistic grounds – are facilitated.
Initiativet er en kunstnerisk undersøgelse af mulige dokumentations- og arkiveringsmetoder inden for dans og koreografi. Arkivet skal derfor ikke ses som Den danske dansehistorie, men i stedet som en mulighed for at opleve historiens komplekse, farverige og kontrastfyldte perspektiver – fra fortiden, nutiden og fremtiden. The initiative is an artistic exploration of possible documentation and archiving methods within dance and choreography. The archive should therefore not be seen as The Danish dance history, but instead as an opportunity to discover the complex, colorful and contrasting perspectives of history – from the past, present and future.
God fornøjelse! Enjoy!


to all participants, contributors, co-creators and others who have supported the project in various ways – without your great engagement and interest this project would not have been possible!



Initiators & organizers: Andrea Deres, Carolina Bäckman, in collaboration with Rebecka Berchtold/5678 (DAY 2), as well as Casper Albrektsen and Magalí Camps (DAY 1), in collaboration with the Dance Department at DDSKS.
Web programming and podcast: Rasmus Cleve Christensen
Graphic design: Studio Jacob Grønbech Jensen
Photo: Thorunn Gudmundsdottir

Co-production with the Dance Department at DDSKS and the podcast 5678


Participants were not properly registered for this event as the intention was to hold an open space where you could join in very spontaneously. Participants consisted mainly of previous and current students, teachers and musicians.


Initiators & organizers: Stine Frandsen, Nanna Stigsdatter,
Andrea Deres & Carolina Bäckman
Hosts: Stine Frandsen, Andrea Deres & Carolina Bäckman
Web programming and podcast: Rasmus Cleve Christensen
Graphic design: Studio Jacob Grønbech Jensen
Mentor: Karen Vedel

Supported by Statens Kunstfond
Co-production with Aaben Dans, Teater Momentum and Åbne Scene


– Aaben Dans, Roskilde
Andrea Deres, Antoinette Helbing, Antonia Harke, Birgitte Lundtoft, Birgitte Skands, Carolina Bäckman, Georgia Kapodistria, Ida Katinka Fridan Pedersen, Isolde Daun, Joana Ellen Öhlschläger, Julie Schmidt Andreasen, Karen Vedel, Lisbeth Klixbüll, Marlene Bonnesen, Sanna Albjørk, Sanna Blennow, Sofie Mønster, Stine Frandsen, Tali Rázga, Taneli Törmä, Thomas Eisenhardt.

– Teater Momentum, Odense
Andrea Deres, Annamaija Siff Rolff-Petersen, Birgitte Skands, Carolina Bäckman, Helene Cæcilie Mørck, Jonas Smed Christensen, Maja Pålsson, Marie Keiser-Nielsen, Naja Lee Jensen, Sasha Vogel, Sofie Hub, Stine Frandsen, Taneli Törmä, Tine Damborg.

– Åbne Scene, Aarhus
Andrea Deres, Ann Crosset, Anna Stamp, Carolina Bäckman, Karen Vedel, Karin Bergman, Lucía Jaén Serrano, Mette Skeel, Nanna Stigsdatter Matthiassen, Stine Frandsen, Taneli Törmä, Trine Sørensen, Vincent Jonsson.


Initiators & organizers: Stine Frandsen, Nanna Stigsdatter,
Andrea Deres & Carolina Bäckman
Web programming and podcast: Rasmus Cleve Christensen
Additional recording: Naya Moll Olsen
Graphic design: Studio Jacob Grønbech Jensen
Photo credits: icons by the participants & SNAC, photos from DD symposium by Emilie Gregersen, photos from DD residency by participants.

Supported by Statens Kunstfond, Bikubenfonden, Augustinus Fonden
Co-production with HAUT, Vestjyllands Højskole, Dansehallerne
og Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst


– HAUT, Copenhagen
Alexander Holm, Amanda Apetrea, Andrea Deres, Andreas Haglund, Ann Crosset, Anna Lea Ourø Jensen, Annika B. Lewis, Benedikte Paaske, Birgitte Lundtoft, Birgitte Skands, Camilla Stage, Carina Raffel, Carolina Bäckman, Carsten Hall, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Charlotte Rindom, Dorte Appel Persson, Efva Lilja, Emilia Gasiorek, Emilie Gregersen, Eva Tarp, Halla Olafsdattir, Helene Naduk Kavigak Munck, Jacob Stage, Julie Schmidt Andreasen, Kamma Siegumfeldt, Karen Vedel, Karis Zidore Christensen, Lea Vendelbo Petersen, Majbrit Hjelmsbo, Malene Becker Nielsen, Manon Siv, Marie-Louise Stentebjerg, Mikala Bjarnov Lage, Moa M. Sahlin, Nadja Hjorton, Naja Lee Jensen, Nanna Krøyer, Nanna Stigsdatter, Nønne Mai Svalholm, Olga Andrynowska, Olivia Riviere, Paolo De Venecia Gile, Peter Kirkhoff Eriksen, Peter Vadim, Pernille Garde, Sandra Liaklev Andersen, Sara Hamming, Sarah Rysgaard Jensen, Sasha Vogel, Simone Wierød, Snorre Hansen, Stine Frandsen, Stina Nyberg, Titta Soini, Una Gunnarsdottir.


– Vestjyllands Højskole, Ringkøbing
Andrea Deres, Andreas Haglund, Anna Stamp Møller, Birgitte Lundtoft, Birgitte Skands, Camilla Stage, Carolina Bäckman, Carsten Hall, Ellen Söderhult, Emilia Gasiorek, Emilie Gregersen, Dorte Persson, Helle Fuglsang, Kalliopi Siganou, Kamma Siegumfeldt, Karin Bergman, Karis Zidore, Lukas Racky, Lydia Östberg Diakité, Marie-Louise Stentebjerg, Marlene Bonnesen, Max Wallmeier, Manon Siv Duquesnay, Moa M. Sahlin, Naduk Kavigak Munck, Nanna Stigsdatter, Naya Moll, Nikoline Gervang Heimburger, Paolo De Venecia Gile, Paula Caspão, Peter Vadim, Rebecka Berchtold, Sara Hamming, Sarah Louise Kristiansen, Snorre Hansen, Stine Frandsen, Tamara Alegre.