blind spots body archive car(ry)ing celebrations co-authorship criss crossing dance as activism danish? dansedåben DD residency 2018 DD symposium 2018 DK Do It Together embodied identities ENG future dance fysiske forståelses-horisonter herstory hosting imaginations ka ik la vær klassisk ballet kontinuitet life-work-work-life limitations lokal global glokal MM 2023 New York i 80'erne passing on PHOTO places poetisk nerve punk romance SOUND spirits stumbling SYT symposiums 2021 sårbarhed TEXT time travels øjeblikket af en bevægelse STORIES TAGGED:
fragmenter fra workshop og interview med Sara Hamming, DD residens 2018BALLET-ING: A REPERTORY WORKSHOP–
fragments from workshop and interview with Ellen Söderhult, DD residency 2018BLIND SPOTS UNFOLDED–
fragments from workshop with Carolina Bäckman, Stine Frandsen and Andrea Deres, SYT symposium Odense 2021CITATER FRA FORTIDEN, NUTIDEN OG FREMTIDEN–
aktiveringer af tilmeldingsformular til DD symposium 2018CONVERSATION–
with Sheila de Val Madsen, Ursula Robb, Poul Laursen and Rasmus Ölme, moderated by Rebecka Berchtold / 5678'DANISH DANCE (HI)STORIES' IN SMALL PARTS–
fragments from workshop with Paula Caspão, DD residency 2018DANSEHISTORIERNES SORTE BOKS–
forelæsning ved Karen Vedel, DD symposium 2018HERSAY AND HEARSAY OF DANISH DANCE I–
fragments from workshop with Samlingen, DD symposium 2018HERSAY AND HEARSAY OF DANISH DANCE II–
fragments from workshop with Samlingen, DD symposium 2018IMAGINATIONS UNFOLDED–
fragments from workshop with Carolina Bäckman, Andrea Deres and Stine Frandsen inspired by Forced Entertainment's performance "Tomorrow’s Parties", SYT symposiums Roskilde & Odense 2021JUMBLE STORIES–
fragments from workshop with Quim Bigas, SYT symposium Aarhus 2021MEMORY LAB–
fragments from workshop with Rani Nair, SYT symposium Roskilde 2021OPEN MIC–
participants sharing memories, learnings and gratitudes for times spent at PDLA, facilitated by Rebecka Berchtold / 5678OUR BODY MOVES BEYOND BORDERS – OR ON HOW DANISH DANCE HERSTORIES ARE INTERNATIONAL AND IN CONCERT–
lecture by Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, DD symposium 2018PRIVATE MIC–
participants sharing memories, learnings and gratitudes for times spent at PDLASHARING PRACTICES–
self organized activities, DD residency 2018SPIRAL TIMELINE–
fragments from workshop with Carolina Bäckman, Stine Frandsen, Andrea Deres og Nanna Stigsdatter at DD residency 2018 – dances and conversations with inspiration from material developed at DD symposium 2018SPIRAL TIMELINE 2A–
fragments from workshop with Carolina Bäckman and Andrea Deres, MM event 2023 – a performative memorial where we collectively documented and (re)connected PDLA experiences – across past, present and futureSPIRAL TIMELINE 2B–
fragments from workshop with Carolina Bäckman and Andrea Deres, MM event 2023 – a performative memorial where we collectively documented and (re)connected PDLA experiences – across past, present and futureTIME TRAVELS UNFOLDED–
fragments from workshop with Carolina Bäckman, Andrea Deres and Stine Frandsen, SYT symposiums 2021TOGETHERING PRACTICE–
fragments from workshop with Alice Chauchat, SYT symposium Odense 2021ØJEBLIKKET AF EN BEVÆGELSE FOLDET UD–
fragmenter fra workshop med Andrea Deres, Stine Frandsen og Carolina Bäckman, SYT symposier Roskilde & Aarhus 2021✕